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What will you teach your kids?

Posted by Hilite Homes Real Estate Agency on April 10, 2020
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We are the first teacher of our children, their role model and their guide. So sometimes we don’t discuss the beliefs, skills, and ideas that we want our children to have-we’re only doing it and we hope they’ll take it.
Have you ever sat down and really been thinking about what you are going to tell your kids?

  1. How to stand up for themselves.
  2. How to say No and mean it.
  3. How to cook a meal, cupcakes, soup and eat healthy.
  4. How to ride a bike.
  5. To be curious.
  6. How to read and why reading for pleasure is truly valuable. To read something every day.
  7. How to tie their shoes.
  8. How to tell time.
  9. How to write and create/tell stories.
  10. How to wash, fold and iron clothes.
  11. How to study.
  12. How to clean up after themselves.
  13. How to make friends.
  14. How to prevent being taken advantage of.
  15. To be generous and kind and empathetic.
  16. To share.
  17. To eat healthy, exercise and lead an active lifestyle.
  18. To avoid television.
  19. To think for themselves.
  20. To use their imagination.
  21. How to curse (better me than someone else!)
  22. How to compromise.
  23. To set goals and accomplish them.
  24. How to dust.
  25. How to use the computer, the internet and social media responsibly.
  26. How to give with true generosity.
  27. How to receive compliments graciously.
  28. To read poetry.
  29. To listen and love music.
  30. To never accept being mistreated or abused – physically, emotionally or mentally.
  31. To explore.
  32. Personal grooming.
  33. To read and love Shakespeare, Hemingway and Pablo Neruda.
  34. To love, respect and obey me and their father always.
  35. To dance.
  36. To Zumba.
  37. To hold a baby, nurse a kitten and remove spiders from the house without killing them.
  38. To count backwards.
  39. To always look where they are going.
  40. To be confident.
  41. To question authority.
  42. To question me and their father.
  43. To play the piano/guitar/violin/flute or some musical instrument.
  44. To wear dresses, high heels, make up and jewelry.
  45. To apply make up so that it looks fresh, flawless and natural.
  46. To maintain a healthy weight.
  47. To read the classics and the Greek mythologies
  48. To open their own jars.
  49. To seek no one’s approval but their own.
  50. To trust their own judgement.
  51. To appreciate the diversity of their heritage.
  52. To respect and be respected.
  53. To embrace others’ differences.
  54. To judge not.
  55. To open doors for pregnant ladies, give their seats up for the elderly and to let the car on the side cut in front.
  56. To be courteous.
  57. To have but control their tempers and emotions.
  58. To blow up balloons.
  59. How to throw a dinner party, throw out a cheating boyfriend and throw off bad vibes from those who are envious, jealous or just plain mean.
  60. How to take photographs.
  61. How to draw and sketch.
  62. How to do yoga.
  63. How to pray.
  64. How to fast.
  65. How to forgive while not forgetting.
  66. How to be safe.
  67. How to earn and manage money.
  68. How to grow plants and take care of pets.
  69. How to travel and explore the marvels of this world.
  70. How to be happy.
  71. How to tie a tie, fix a flat and replace a lightbulb.
  72. How to play soccer.
  73. How to live in New York City.
  74. How to listen.
  75. To think for themselves.
  76. To drive a car.
  77. To parallel park, to shop, to rent a flat.
  78. To do maths.
  79. To buy comfortable and good looking shoes.
  80. To get a job.
  81. To quit a job.
  82. To overcome obstacles.
  83. To treat others with love, dignity and kindness.
  84. How to kick butt when necessary.
  85. How to swim, sky dive and snorkle or at least have the confidence to do any of these.
  86. How to peel potatoes, apples and oranges without cutting their fingers.
  87. To remember their origins.
  88. To imagine and dream.
  89. To go to college and succeed.
  90. To grow old gracefully.
  91. To drink responsibly.
  92. To pick themselves up every time they fall or are knocked down.
  93. To fight back and win.
  94. To always consider the other’s perspective.
  95. To be a good sister.

(This is an ongoing list…I have been adding to it as they grow. I’d love to hear what others think and suggestions to add.)