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How to get your child’s health card

Posted by Hilite Homes Real Estate Agency on April 8, 2020
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All schools demand that your child get a health card from a government clinic approved by a doctor. For those who never did, the process can be daunting. Here’s a guide on what to do, what to bring with you and where to go.

All schools in Kuwait require that your kids have a health card that certifies that they have received all the requisite vaccines. Moms in Kuwait should take your kids to the clinic that runs the BCG in your town. When you’re not sure it will take you to go to your nearest polyclinic and inquire. All schools in Kuwait require that your kids have a health card that certifies that they have received all the requisite vaccines. Moms in Kuwait should take your kids to the clinic that runs the BCG in your town. When you’re not sure it will take you to go to your nearest polyclinic and inquire.

Take with you the following:

  • Child’s birth certificate and photo copy
  • Child’s Kuwait Civil ID (bitaqa) and photo copy-
  • Child’s vaccination records and photo copy (also an Arabic translation and photocopy if its in English)
  • One passport photos of child (blue background)

We live in Salwa and so are required to go to the main polyclinic in Salmiya on Salem Al Mubarak Street (next to Sultan Center). Each governorate has a main clinic and you will need to go to that one depending on where you live.

At the Salmiya Clinic, we went upstairs to reception to open the file. Then we went around the corner to see the first nurse/doctor who asked family medical history questions and stamped the papers. Then we went downstairs to the second doctor (ground floor pediatrics, room 2) and there a doctor listen to our daughter’s chest, asked a few more questions and added a second stamp to the file. Then back upstairs to reception again for a final stamp to complete the file.

Took us about 30 minutes in all, but we went early in the morning to avoid a crowd. After the file has all three stamps, you can take it to your child’s school nurse.

We recommend making a copy of the completed and stamped health file for your own records before you give it to the school.

Good luck!